Welcome to Faculty of Science, LASU

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Dean of Faculty

Dean's Welcome Address

More About the Faculty

Our vision is to produce high-quality graduates who are proficient in various branches of Science and well equipped to translate scientific knowledge into
Innovations relevant to the growth and sustainable development of the society.

To teach our students the scientific and entrepreneurial principles required to meet the needs of the global society and equip them with the research skills necessary to innovate and push boundaries locally and at international level.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Faculty of science, Lagos State University. Over the years, our Faculty has demonstrated excellence in its activities. We are irrevocably committed to sustaining this culture and indeed transmitting it from excellence to distinction. Our goal as a Faculty is to provide robust and innovative knowledge through highly rated staff members and ground breaking scientific research that are geared towards producing high level manpower that have undergone intensive quality training and are globally competitive. With the help of highly dedicated Lecturers in the Faculty, it has been easy to map modern pedagogical approach to learning. Our students have access to and make effective use of open source digital technology to enhance their theoretical and cutting-edge research oriented knowledge. I urge you to key into this unique modern electronic/digital learning

The Faculty of Science was established in 1983 as one of the first three foundation Faculties in Lagos State University. The other two (2) faculties are Faculty of Law & Humanities and Faculty of Education. The Faculty of Science was established primarily to provide students with an intellectual environment favourable to the study of Science. More importantly, the goal of the faculty is to produce graduates who are proficient in various branches of Science and well
equipped to translate scientific knowledge into technology relevant to the growth and sustainable development of the society.
The faculty has nine (9) departments which are fully accredited by NUC and various professional bodies. The faculty is one of the largest faculties in LASU with a student population of about 5000 and staff population of about 200.
The faculty offers various 4 and 5–year-degree programmes in which students
are thoroughly exposed to theoretical, practical and applied aspects of their various disciplines. The Faculty has outstanding core curricula that enhance the understanding of the core programmes and also currently collaborates with some Universities within and outside Nigeria, for example Indianna University in the USA, Innopolis University in Russia, Michigan State University in the USA and University of Chicago in the USA. Our research are geared towards solving human problems, environmental challenges, improving human and animal health and collaborating with industries to meet the needs of the society.
The Dean of the Faculty is the Chairman of all statutory committees and manages the affairs of the Faculty. The current Dean of the Faculty is Professor Adenike BOYO, a Professor of Physics. The immediate past Dean of the Faculty is Professor Benjamin ARIBISALA, a professor of ComputerScience and a member of the governing council. In addition to the statutory committees, the Faculty operates a Committee system. There is usually a statutory Faculty Board and Eighteen (18) other Statutory Committees which are concerned with consideration of academic matters and staff welfare. For ease of administration, the Committees have clear Terms of Reference and membership that cuts across the various Departments in the Faculty.

Non-Academic Staff

Faculty Events

13, Jan

Past Deans of Faculty of Science

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